“Perception and assessment of ecosystem services on river landscapes”
Problem description
Research project
Project team
Problem description
Various anthropogenic uses lead to changes of riverine landscapes. This has an effect on the availability of landscape functions relevant to nature conservation and socio-economics that are provided by the river system. These functions can also be summarized under the term “ecosystem services”, which are the benefits an ecosystem provides for humans.
Research project
At the example of two case study sites the extent to which various actor groups are aware of the range of ecosystem services that are available is being identified. Furthermore it is being investigated, how important these services are perceived to be.
Since the “ecosystem service concept” serves as underlying framework for this investigation, it is also being analysed how this concept as such is perceived by the respective stakeholders. Although it is intended to be practically applied at policy level and used as information tool for decision makers also in the water sector, it is not clear which role it actually plays in policy and how it is perceived by the addressed actors.
Consideration is also given to the fact that the stakeholders’ perceptions may be influenced by different understandings of and attitudes towards nature. It shall be identified which understandings of human-nature-relationships (HNR) can be found among different stakeholders in water management.
The results shall serve as a basis for future management and conservation programmes.
Project team
phd-student: Böck Kerstin, Dipl.-Ing.
supervisor: Muhar Susanne, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn.
co-supervisors: Muhar Andreas, Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Kantelhardt Jochen, Univ.- Prof. Dr.