Kunze Iris, Dr. (former team member)
Tel: +43/1 47654 7280
Email: iris.kunze(at)boku.ac.at
University of Münster, Germany
Ph. Dissertation: „Soziale Innovationen für zukunftsfähige Lebensweisen. Gemeinschaften und Ökodörfer als experimentierende Lernfelder für sozial-ökologische Nachhaltigkeit.“ in Geography, Sociology
Scholarship of the German Environmental Foundation (DBU) and of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Field research projects in India and Scotland
University of Münster, Germany
Geography Diploma (side subjects: Sociology, Politics)
Work experience
Since October 2011
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Coordinator of the Doctoral School of Sustainable Development and Post-doc-research fellow
project title: “Concepts of Human-Nature Relationship and their Applicability in Sustainability Processes”
University of Münster, Germany
Researching and teaching fellow at the Department of Sociology: coordination of the social-ecological community research
Since 2007
Universität Münster, Germany und University of Teacher Education St.Gallen, Switzerland
Teaching fellow at the Department of Sociology
Universität Münster, Germany
Student working fellow at the Department of Sociology
social community research
Internship at FORUM GmbH, a service and consulting enterprise to public and private institutions in the field of urban and regional development in Oldenburg: projects about sustainable urban planning with the governments in Bremen and lower Saxony
„Voluntary Ecological Year“ (FÖJ) (Sept.´95- Aug.´96) for the state of lower Saxony at the Youth Environmental Office in Oldenburg of the German brunch „friends of the earth“ (BUND):
self-responsible management of office, seminars, political
Further activities
Since 2008
board member of the interdisciplinary Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS), Freiburg
Co-initiator of the Transition Town-Group, Münster
Since 2004
Member of the environmental sociology
German Federal Coordination of student environmental work (BSÖ), connected with the global Network GOSEA (Global Organization of Students for Environmental Action):executive secretary; co-organization of summits; advisor for the issue sustainability and “Agenda 21”; member of the editorial department of the magazine
Local Agenda 21 of the town Muenster: official representative of the student alliance in the resort „settlement, region, town development and traffic“. Initiative of the student circle for sustainable development